The treatment is not without discomfort but whilst using the laser, a machine that blows out extremely cold air can be directed at the area to numb the skin. Most people liken the sensation to being flicked by an elastic band. If you can tolerate having a tattoo, you should be able to tolerate laser tattoo removal.
Archives for 2014
Four Out Of 10 People In Britain Regret Their Tattoos – Are You One Of Them?
According to data gathered by beauty retailer, Escentual, four out of ten people with tattoos regret having them done – and just under a quarter of people with tattoos want them removed.
If this sounds like you or you would just like to fade your tattoo to get it covered with a new design then you will be pleased to hear that the Devon Laser Clinic have announced the arrival of a new high powered laser.
We already have 2 different class 4 lasers, the Cynosure Alexandrite and the Polaris Nd:YAG for hair and thread veins. Now we have added a Polaris Q-switched Ruby laser and a Polaris Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser which will help us not only remove tattoos, but also treat people with pigmentation lesions and sun spots.
What Methods Of Tattoo Removal Are Available?
Older methods of tattoo removal are now outdated and have been replaced by better technology. These methods included dermabrasion, chemical peels, destruction of tattoo ink by various forms of injectable substances and surgical excision.
Why Are Older Tattoo Removal Methods Not Recommended?
Older methods used to remove the part of skin with the tattoo! The results were less than desirable due to scarring. Whilst surgical excision may have a role in some smaller tattoos, older methods of tattoo removal cause unacceptable scarring and poor cosmetic outcome.
Why Are Q-Switched Tattoo Removal Lasers So Good?
Q-Switched lasers produce very high powered and short nanosecond [one billionth of a second] pulses of light that shatter and disperse pigment particles without damaging the skin. Consequently ink particles are removed and surrounding skin is not damages. This dramatically reduces the risk of scarring.
Active Q-Switched class 4 lasers like the one we have at the Devon Laser Clinic are not to be confused with the desktop passive lasers used in some tattoo studios or by mobile practitioners. Whilst these machines might be able to fade some colours they are generally unlikely to provide the same results as we can with a medical grade laser.
Next Steps!
So if you’re interested in finally getting rid of that tattoo, call us at the Devon Laser Clinic on 01271 327700 and like our FaceBook page to keep up to date with our news and offers.